Opening Collage IconsICONS

Left: Odeon Isleworth; Upper Middle: The Hackney Empire;
Lower Middle: London Transport Trolleybus;
Upper and Lower Right: London Transport RT-buses in red and green livery;
Middle Right: Hoover and London Transport logos



The Odeon Isleworth was a building of great style. It was like no other cinema I had seen up until that time. memories of the building are intertwined with many places, as the reader will see.  I hope the reader will tolerate ramblings as they make their way through the series of stories that make up this tale. I subscribe to the sentiments of the saying-cum-proverb …….it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive ………The series of stories will take the reader to Hounslow and the life of highwaymen and a look at London’s Trolleybuses before arriving at the Odeon. However, the journey does not end there and, as the reader will see, time will pass before we set off once more and explore areas of South London and Richmond.  Here, purely through happenstance something remarkable awaited me that proved well worth the wait.If readers are willing to travel hopefully with me I hope that once they arrive at destination’s end, they will be happy they came and enjoy the surprise along with me.  In the meantime, allow me to wish you well and bon voyage.

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