Eartha Kitt (1927-2008) – An Old Fashioned Girl – written by Marvin A. (Marve) Fisher (1907-1957) – recorded between 1955 and 1956
Some time again, a group of journalists were having lunch and the question came up. Which personality would you most like to interview? They decided to write down the name of the person on a piece of paper and ask the waiter to read out the name that was written on each. Each journalist had written the same name, that of Her Grace The Grand Duchess! They each was asked why that chose this woman and their reasons were very similar: they not only believed her to be the most beautiful woman in the world, but the most intelligent, the most exotic and the most mysterious. Each admitted to being overwhelmed by her charms and longed to interview her one-on-one. They had interviewed her as a group in the past, but under these conditions, most of the questions seemed frivolous and failed to bring out the essence of her persona.
An Enigmatic Person: strange, mysterious, unpredictable, leaving others in awe and speculation
On one occasion, Her Grace was asked why no one had ever painted her portrait. She said that she had sat for four different artists, but she always allowed her Aide-de-camp to decide if any should be continued and kept. His explanation for the lack of a portrait was that unfortunately no artist had quite managed to capture that enigmatic quality that Her Grace had. He also said that each had caught her radiance, but lacked that special je ne sais quoi that defined her. Finally he said that it would appear that there was no living artist able to achieve this and that perhaps only da Vinci (1452-1519) might have managed it.
Lara’s Theme – written by Maurice-Alexis Jarre (1924-2009)
It is recommended that the reader listen to this piece of music while they read what follows at it will help set the mood of the Russia of yesteryear.
Over the years, whenever Her Grace The Grand Duchess of Cumberland County has been asked by some eager journalist where she came from, a variety of answers were given. Her answers tended to reflect her mood, but several versions pleased her very much and were often retold only to be denied at later interviews since her mood had changed by then! It was apparent that, at times, Her Grace allowed her somewhat wicked sense of humour to season her replies. Her Grace enjoyed teasing (and perhaps even tormenting) the четвёртая власть or Fourth Estate, as the Americans would say!
Once Her Grace had settled into her new home at Welmar Palace, she instructed Her Aide de Camp to contact a number of newspapers and magazines to say that should their publications be interested, Her Grace would agree to being interviewed. Of course Her Aide insisted on having all questions submitted in written form for Her Grace to study, and where appropriate, approve. Naturally everyone contacted agreed to Her Grace’s requests and so a date was settled upon for this special event to take place. The date of the interview arrived and a number of journalists arrived at Welmar Palace and were ushered into the Reception Room chosen for the event where they sat and waited for Her Grace to make her entrance.
The Reception Room of Welmar Palace (modeled on the Throne Room of Buckingham Palace)
This photograph was taken in 1902
Before Her Grace was to make her entrance, Her Aide de Camp entered the Reception Room and informed those present on how to address Her Grace using the correct manner, the one that she was now accustomed to. They were also reminded that no photography would be allowed since this would distract Her Grace and Her Guests from the matters at hand. He added that, in addition, no drawings were to be made during the event. Finally Her Aide thanked the audience for their consideration and assured them that Her Grace would be with them in a few minutes. After this, he left the Reception Room.
Journalists awaiting the entrance of Her Grace
While journalists attended Her Grace’s pleasure, She was being visited by her favourite Coiffeur for those last minute touches to ensure everything was in place! Her Grace believed that presentation was everything, and tending to those small and perhaps insignificant things have helped maintain Her mystique and kept the world fascinated with Her and journalists returning again and again.
Preparing to receive her audience with a visit Chez le Coiffeur
The Reception Room was electric with anticipation, and just when it reached a crescendo, Her Grace entered the room on the arm of her Aide along with Marusya, her maid/nurse/companion/confidant, walking close by. Naturally, her entrance caused a great stir in the audience.
Her Grace, now ready to face her audience
As always, Her Grace represented sheer elegance. She appeared impeccably dressed in a simple high-necked Jersey Wool morning dress with long sleeves, which was Robin Egg Blue in colour and had been designed especially for her by the great Courturier, Hubert de Givenchy (1923-2018). Monsieur de Givenchy also designed the plainly designed shoes in matching colour that comported a slight Cuban Heel. Around her neck, Her Grace wore her favourite single string of pearls that had been given to her a number of years earlier by the Armenian-British business magnete, Nubar Sarkis Gulbenkian (1896-1972). Her Grace wore no rings and carried no handbag.
The Pearl Necklace Given to Her Grace
Sadly, since no photography was allowed at the press conference, no photographs of her ensemble can appear here. However below are some shining examples of the work of Monsieur de Givenchy. It was well known that his two favourite women to dress were Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) and Her Grace.
Examples of some Creations designed by M. de Givenchy
Naturally Her Grace was and still is the favourite of all great Couturiers and any young designer chosen by her early in his or her career quickly find themselves sought after by the fashion conscious and with their reputations instantly made.
A Very Small Sample of the People that were Important to Her Grace
Top Row, Left: Henri de Givenchy; Right: Nubar Sarkis Gulbenkian;
Bottom Row, Left: Christian Dior; (1905-1957); Centre: Coco Chanel (1883-1971); and
Right: Colette (1873-1954)
To show photographs all of Her Grace’s friends and admirers would perhaps fill The British Library!
Before continuing, it is perhaps of some importance to introduce Marusya since she has some importance in what is to follow.
It must be stated that it is unsure if this Marusya is the same Marusya who was Her Grace’s mother’s nurse or if she is her daughter or perhaps even her grand-daughter! But be that as it may, this Marusya is totally devoted to Her Grace and would, without doubt, give up her life for Her, if needed.
Nothing is really known about Marusya. Her life is a complete mystery except for her association with Her Grace. No one knows anything about her, except that which is in association with Her Grace. It is believed that she is Russian, and perhaps a Gypsy, but neither Her Grace’s Aide nor, naturally enough, Her Grace would answer any questions about her. When she has been asked directly where she was born by someone asking from a suitably safe distance, her answer, if somewhat violent, was in a language that no one seems to understand.
In addition there does not appear to exist a photograph of Marusya other than showing her in the background of those of Her Grace. Her Passport information is secret. All that is known is that she has Diplomatic Immunity, since she is part of Her Grace’s entourage.
She has shown herself to be notoriously unfriendly to the camera and to the ones pushing the button, as she is known to refer to photographers! On more than one occasion, interaction has led to her beating any photographer with her stick who dared to attempt to sneak a picture of her and then smashing the camera.
At one time Marusya was bothered very much by the Paparazzi. This ended following a certain event where a certain French journalist likened her to a King Cobra spiting venom. For this comment, Marusya sort revenge and inflicted sufficient wounds on the journalist that he required a hospital stay lasting several weeks. Since this unfortunate altercation, most journalists have found it wise to give her a wide berth!
Left: Ashe’s King Cobra – the largest spitting Cobra; Right: Mozambique Spitting Cobra
Several of the journalists were unable to stifle their gasps when Her Grace entered the room since she looked especially beautiful that day. Everyone was on their feet in order to show suitable respect for her. Most present would agree that nothing ever prepares one for Her Grace’s entrances no matter how many times one has had the good fortune to be in her presence. One waits with great anticipation for her and is never disappointed when she enters.
Every Journalist present had a question for Her Grace
Her Grace smiled at those present and bade them sit and wished them Good Morning and welcomed them to her home. After the pleasantries were over, her Aide invited the first question which was the one to which they all were eager to learn her answer. This question dealt with her family and where she was born.
The First Question is asked
This question always amused Her Grace, as she had in the past offered a number of versions, each dependent on her mood! She knew that this was wicked, but she could not resist the telling of tales and watching the faces of her audience become captivated by her words. It should be remembered that Her Grace is a prima raconteuse and can quickly have her audience eating out of her hand with her many stories and anecdotes.
Two Guitars – Russian Gypsy Music
Since it was now autumn, the leaves of the trees were golden in colour and were beginning to fall and cover the ground. In addition, the sky was a wonderful blue without clouds and there was a slight chill in the air. This combination foretold of future days to come. Such days caused Her Grace (and Marusya) to often slip into a melancholy mood, which her Aide always recognised and made him act accordingly for it always caused Her Grace to sigh deeply and think of things Russian and remember bygone days!
Sunset at Welmar Palace
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CASANOVA/PUPPY 14th JUNE, 2010 – 25th MAY, 2024
I have known Her Grace for some time and I do miss her fanciful tales of days gone by. Unfortunately since she knows me do well, I was not invited to attend. Любить и терять (to have lived and lost). She is a true beauty.
Paula: Thank you for your comment and for entering into the spirit of the tales. Charles
I can totally understand the mania for Her Grace—such beauty, charisma, and mystery! The side-by-side photo with the Mona Lisa was brilliant. Her Grace is equally elusive and mesmerizing.
I love a mystery and want to know *all* about Marusya! Will we ever catch a glimpse of her? I am curious to see what role she’ll be playing in the course of this drama.
Linda: I am very glad that you are enjoying the start of this tale. Never fear …………. Marusya will be there. Charles