KEITH BECKINGHAM wrote: The Epilogue reads extremely well. I cannot see anything that needs changing and the signing off music is perfect.
I have been invited to play a concert in Tywyn, Wales in June. The Wurlitzer organ was originally installed in the Granada, Woolwich. I played there when I was 14! The JB Story reveals Jackie was resident there for six months when he first joined the Granada circuit when he was 17.
I am still exploring the logistics of the trip but if I do get there I will certainly play my JB Tribute selection and tell the audience how they can read all about JB’s life.
ANDREW GILBERT wrote: I had the great pleasure and privilege to know Jackie for just a few short years, from when I first became interested in the organ right up to his untimely death. He saw something in me as a potential musician that I didn’t know was there, and as my playing progressed he was always willing to help, advise and guide. This series has opened my eyes to so much more of his musical talents. For example, I knew about his playing for radio and TV but nothing of him as a composer, arranger and bandleader. I’ve really enjoyed learning about the man and his career.
Jackie always said that he didn’t want me to be a ‘clone’, always insisting that I found my own path when it came to playing and arranging for organ. His advice has stood me in good stead, but there are times when I have found that my theatre organ arrangement of a piece is unnervingly like his – even though I’d never heard it before. And I do play a few things very much in his style – this was well received when I recently played a Jackie Brown medley at my concert on the Fentham Hall Compton organ. And I’ll wager that Keith Beckingham and I aren’t miles apart in our respective medleys, such is Jackie’s influence on us! I’ll always feature some of his music in concert whether on pipes or electronics.
LINDA PARKES wrote: With the help of Andrew and Keith, you have managed to cover many things in great detail. I am sure Juile and Amanda will be thrilled at the result. It was a real pleasure to be a part of it all.
LEN RAWLE wrote: I find it most insightful and a very worthy reminder of a kindly musician it really was wonderful to have met. To witness his soulful talent and generous nature was a lesson to musicians everywhere, not to mention the general public.
Since my previous contributions to you I have learnt that maybe the reason I knew so little of Jackie’s early work was because his engagement with Granada apparently ceased once he returned from WWII military service.
Congratulations on assembling all those recordings. They each display his love of the organ as a complete musical instrument.
I am only sorry that during my 17 busy, busy, busy years with Yamaha UK, our paths never once crossed. This remains such a shame for I like to think we both enjoyed sharing whatever our individual talent was, with the general public. Had we but kept in business contact there would for sure have been end to end jokes about the de-merits and merits of our respective manufacturers products not to mention the Italian vs Japanese way of doing business. Great times for us both, but we were each holding a Tiger by the Tail in those halcyon days so it was heads-down all the way as electronic organ sales rocketed away.
A most timely reminder that life can be snatched away from us all at far too young and age.
Thank you for picking up on JB’s life. I’m sure it will be much appreciated by his admiring wife and daughters.
AMANDA CERRETTINI-BROWN wrote: I just have to say “wow”! What a wonderful way to wrap up the book; Dad’s legacy to the world of music (and especially the theatre organ) lives on.
You have truly brought to life the story of this amazing, talented and unique man who we were fortunate enough to call “Dad”… and as Julie said, we have found out so much about him that neither of us knew previously!
Thank you so much, our whole family are indebted to you, as are the many organ enthusiasts of this world.
JULIE CHANNON wrote: The last page is perfect as far as I am concerned. Having dad speaking at the end was definitely the right choice.