Jackie Wilson (1934-1984) – Reet PetiteRecorded in 1957
Written by Berry Gordy III (1929), Billy Davis (1932-2004), & Gwen Gordy Fuqua (1927-1999)





To aid the reader of this tale, what follows is the cast of principal characters:


When the Princesses Eugénie and Louisa, along with their Chaperone entered the Ballroom, Prince Anatole quickly re-introduced himself to the group and asked if could accompanied them back to their parents. Once there, the Chaperone introduced Prince Anatole who proved an exceptionally good conversationalist and managed to charm Prince Karl, and even Princess Caroline to some extent. He then requested that he be allowed to dance with Princess Eugénie. His request was granted and after he had bowed slightly to those present he offered his arm to the Princess who was secretly thrilled to be asked.

Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) & Mel Ferrer (1917-2008)
in a scene from the 1956 Production of War and Peace directed by King Vidor (1894-1982)

Once on the floor, they made a handsome couple and were noticed by many, and as they danced, the Chaperone who could see that something special was happening between the young Prince and Princess. And so it was! Without speaking their beating hearts told them that this person, who they did not know, and whose hand now held theirs, was someone special ……. someone who would prove to be someone very special!

They glided across the floor, lost to everyone except to each other. And then, seemingly, quite suddenly, the music stopped. Each would have hoped that the music could have continued for longer and so their dance!

I Could Have Danced All Night (1956) – sung by Julie Andrews (1935)
with Philippa Bevans (1913-1968) – From the musical My Fair Lady
Written by  Alan Jay Lerner ( 1918-1986) & Frederick Loewe (1901-1988)


The Prince was the first to realise that the music had stopped. He mumbled something about the need to escort the Princess back to her parents, but neither moved while continuing to stare into each other’s eyes. And what only seemed like a mere second in time to the young couple, they eventually made their way across the floor where they were met by the Chaperone, who whispered to Anatole that he had to ask to dance with Princess Louisa immediately! She also told him that she would explain her behaviour later if he would meet her in the garden once he returned Louisa to her parents. For some unknown reason, neither he nor Eugénie questioned her apparent strange request.


The Chaperone was most fearful for Prince, as she knew that the Grand Duke had other spies present and that he would soon hear of the undeniable attraction between Anatole and Eugénie since anyone with an iota of sense could see that each was falling under the spell of the other.


After Prince Anatole had escorted Princess Louisa back to her parents following their dance, he made his way to the garden where he found the Chaperone seated. She quickly came to the point of her need to speak to him. She told him that the Grand Duke had decided that the Princess Eugénie would become his wife and he would look very unkindly on anyone that interfered with his plans. Anatole smiled and said that she must be mistaken since the Grand Duke was older than the Princess’ father! The Chaperone said that his previous wives had been of a similar age to the Princess and that all he was interested in was the bearing of a son!

The Chaperone continued by saying that Prince Anatole needed to end any idea of a relationship with the Princess, as the Grand Duke was of a jealous and revengeful nature and that the he would no doubt come to a nasty end if he caused the Grand Duke’s plan to go astray! She said that she could arrange a meeting with the Princess and himself in the Alexander II Park (known since 1954 as the Taras Shevchenko Park of Culture and Recreation) at noon the next day so that he could end all notions of his continuing any relationship with the young Princess. With that, and without waiting for an answer, the Chaperone stood up and walked away towards the Ballroom.


Of course, the unanswered question that has now arisen is why did the Chaperone go against the Grand Duke’s wishes and allow Prince Anatole to know of his dastardly plan? But this is another story and for another time!


After the Ball and once back in their apartment, the Princess Eugénie asked to speak to her mother. Within minutes, the young Princess began to pour out her heart and tell her mother of her feelings for Prince Anatole. She was on her knees by her mother, and once she started to speak, she quickly burst into tears and became inconsolable and buried her face in her mother’s lap.

Princess Caroline understood her daughter’s feelings and allowed her to cry, as she stroked her hair. After a while, Eugénie’s crying lessened and her mother said that she needed to go to bed and rest and that they could discuss things in the morning when she might see things more clearly. Princess Caroline said that as hard as it might be to understand, problems often look different the next day.

Despite these words of wisdom, Princess Caroline knew that her daughter’s woes would probably not look different the next day for they had brought back memories of events from the past when she was young and fell in love for the first and only time. And it worried her to think that Eugénie, being very much like her, might well have a difficult future in store for her.


The next day Prince Anatole was at the Alexander II Park very early. He walked around the park wishing the time would pass quickly so that the Chaperone would soon arrive. He had visited the park a number of times, but had noticed nothing about it. Today it seemed he was noticing so many things. How beautiful the park was and green the grass was. He saw the sunrise today, something he had seen a thousand times before, but today, it seemed more spectacular with more vivid colours. At first, he could not understand why he felt this, but after a while, he realised that nothing was ever going to be the same now that he had met Princess Eugénie.


At last the Prince came to where he hoped the Chaperone would be. She was and was seated on a wooden form placed for the weary traveler. After the usual greetings the Chaperone quickly came to the point. She told Anatole of the Grand Duke’s plan for the



Crossing Paths

During the visit of Her Grace’s family to the estate of the Grand Duke in Odessa, Prince Anatole would arrange to cross paths with the beautiful Princess Eugénie as often as possible. At each meeting, the Prince would feign surprise by their surprising meeting, but they both knew that their meeting was not merely by chance.

Marni Nixon (1930-2016) – Hello Young Lovers
This song is from the Richard Rodgers (1902-1979) & Oscar Hammerstein II (1895-1960)
musical, The King & I produced on Broadway (1951) and in the West End (1953)


The Proposal

Meanwhile the Grand Duke Alexi Sergei Rostovitch was putting his plan in place which was to  snare the lovely and youthful Princess Eugénie.

The Grand Duke invited Prince Karl to luncheon with him at his Club in Odessa. This was the most exclusive Club in the City and was an establishment that the Prince could never afford to join or visit unless invited. He was flattered by the invitation and was honoured to be introduced to some of the most powerful and influential figures of the City.  The Prince, sadly, was out of his element in mixing with such people and could offer little conversation. However, this did not matter to the Grand Duke since the Prince had not been invited for chitter chatter!

After a sumptuous lunch and once the Cognac had been served and their cigars had been chosen, the Prince felt himself relaxed, but was suddenly brought back to the reality of the moment when the Grand Duke informed Prince Karl that he wanted to make Princess Eugénie his wife! At first the Prince was lost for words, but once he regained his senses, he said that his daughter was far too young to think about marriage at this time. The Grand Duke, as cunning as ever, said that he more than understood this, and that he was prepared to wait a little. And now he played what he thought was his trump card!

The Grand Duke said that he realised that such a marriage would mean his daughter moving to St. Petersburg and would need to accompany him on journeys out of Russia, and that such a separation would be most painful to the Prince and his wife. However, he was prepared to offer the Prince a home in St. Petersburg to be used whenever his family chose. He quickly added that this pied-à-terre(consisting of eight bedrooms!) and would be fully staffed at the expense of the Grand Duke of course!) would prove beneficial in helping to find suitable matches for his other daughters. In addition, he said that he was prepared to make a certain sum of money available to the Prince to be used as he wished since he appreciated that the cost of raising eligible daughters was not always easy to meet. The Prince could hardly believe his ears and could say nothing.  The Grand Duke naturally had known that the Prince would be speechless at this offer and said that he recommended that he discuss the proposal with his charming wife, the Princess Caroline.

After dropping these bombshells, the Grand Duke stood up from the table and asked to be excused since he had another appointment to rush to ……. something of importance to The Czar.  At that, the Prince found himself sitting at the table alone, totally and utterly bewildered by what he had heard!


Somehow the Prince stumbled back to the estate where he quickly told Princess Caroline about the Grand Duke’s proposal and his offer. Prince Karl said that there was much to think about now, but before he could finish, the Princess interrupted him, saying that their daughter was not for sale!  She did, however, and contrary to her better judgement, agree to inform Princess Eugénie of the proposal. The young Princess was summoned and told by her mother of the request for her hand in marriage.

The Princess Eugénie was horrified at the suggestion that she should marry such a person as the Grand Duke! And then she dropped her own bombshell into the mix. She told her parents that she wished to marry Prince Anatole and that he was planning on visiting her father the following day!


Prince Anatole’s Reputation (Репутация) and His Proposal

Prince Karl was as horrified by this suggestion as he was by the one of the Grand Duke. But this second proposal reminded Princess Caroline of her earlier life, and she remained silent while her husband ranted about the reputation of Prince Anatole and that his daughter had entered into a liaison without the knowledge of her parents. By now the Princess Eugénie was in tears and clinging to her mother.

When the Prince appeared to have run out of steam, he collapsed in a chair and began to talk in a less grieved manner about the young Prince Anatole’s deplorable reputation. Princess Eugénie said that she was fully aware of his past since he had confessed all to her. Despite knowing this, she loved him and that she had forgiven him his past errors. At this Princess Caroline spoke and told her daughter to go to her room as she and her father had much to discuss.

When Prince Karl and Princess Caroline were alone, the Prince still seated in his chair, admitted to being mentally exhausted by the events of the day and could not think! His wife said that regardless, they needed to think and she suggested that nothing should be done until the young Prince presented himself tomorrow, and with this, she got up and left the room. She wanted to find her daughter and learn more about Prince Anatole.


The following afternoon Prince Anatole presented his card to the butler and requested an audience with Prince Karl and Princess Caroline. The Prince was smartly dressed in his uniform and cut a dashing figure. He introduced himself to Princess Eugénie’s parents, quickly bowing his head with each greeting and shaking Prince Karl hand along with a click of his heels, and kissing the extended hand of Princess Caroline.

The young Prince declined the offer of a cup of tea from Princess Caroline, but welcomed Prince Karl’s invitation to tell them about his first meeting with their daughter. When he discussed the young Princess, Princess Caroline noticed how his face lit up and his eyes sparkled. He talked of their initial meeting at The Grand Ball, of the dance that they shared and of their accidental meetings in shops and then of their less-accidental meetings in the park. He said that he fell in love with their daughter and hoped that the Prince and Princess would not hold the horrors of his past life against him. He added that he knew that this was indeed much to request. He continued by saying that he promised to love her, provide for her, and hopefully, never bring her any reason to doubt his love. He continued by saying that he realised that he was not perhaps the ideal suitor that they might hope for, but said that no one would love her and treasure her as he would. After this he thanked them for their kindness in allowing him to speak. The Prince said that he and his wife would need to discuss the matter with their daughter and requested that he return the following afternoon for their decision in the matter. At this Prince Anatole thanked them both and bade them adieu until the following afternoon and quickly took his leave without asking to see the young Princess.


Her Grace’s Family

Princess Eugénie’s grandmother, the Princess Katherine, had met her husband-to-be, the Prince Nikolai, at a Ball in Kyiv (Київ; Kiev) in Ukraine. Prince Nikolai came from a poor, but honest family who lived on a small estate on the edge of a Hamlet among the Ural Mountains that is now part of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Neither his family nor that of his wife came from wealth and as a result, they lacked sufficient funds for their children to be presented at Court or spend an extended time in St. Petersburg and take opportunity to find suitable husbands for their three daughters and a wife for their only son, Prince Karl. However everyone enjoyed living on their small estate, and although they lacked finery, none lacked love.


Her Grace’s parents, Prince Karl and Princess Caroline, met during a rare visit of Prince Karl to St. Petersburg. He first saw his future wife in a large store during a shopping expedition. Caroline was employed by a wealthy family as Governess to their children. She was accompanying the family on the shopping trip in the hope that her presence would control her normally unruly charges. When Prince Karl and Caroline first saw each other, it was love at first sight, and after a whirlwind courtship, he presented the young and charming Caroline to his parents. His parents, Prince Nikolai, and mother, Princess Katherine, were horrified at first when his son presented the charming young lady since it was their hope that his son would make a better match (i.e., a richer one) to help restore their estate to its former glory since his father and grandfather had allowed it to decline.

But, as Her Grace would say whenever she was in a whimsical and somewhat romantic mood, love conquers all, and she would then add when telling this tale, her parents lived happily ever after despite being as poor as church mice! But she added that her father did eventually restore the estate. After a pause, Her Grace would wipe away a tear from her eye and then sigh deeply!


Her Grace’s grand parents, Prince Karl and Caroline, were married in the little church on the edge of the forest. They lived on the family’s estate and were overjoyed when each of their four daughters were born with Princess Eugénie being the eldest. and followed by Louisa, Mary and Ann. Their daughters were accomplished having been educated by their mother who had once earned her living as a Governess attempting to educate spoiled disinterested children.


Naturally the Prince was not overly impressed with Prince Anatole’s prospects, since he would remain a soldier and would, no doubt, find himself in situations where he would be tempted by the vices open to him. But he had to admit that the young Prince did sound sincere in his affection for his daughter.

The presence of Prince Anatole and his proposal once again reminded Princess Caroline of her own proposal made by Prince Karl. She was a mere Governess and Prince Karl was as eager and determined to marry her as Prince Anatole now appeared to marry their daughter. She said that despite their own romance being whirlwind, his parents had noticed the love that they shared. And now, they still loved each other and she knew that they would spend the rest of their lives together with joy. Princess Caroline said that she felt that she could not deny her own daughter the same opportunity. Her talk with her daughter had revealed to her that the Princess Eugénie felt the same towards Anatole as he did to Prince Karl.  She believed that although she was young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, she loved the young man with a deep and lasting love.

The Prince was taken aback at the words of his wife, but they set him thinking. He thought back to his first meeting with the Governess Caroline and how his heart raced at the thought of her and how he knew she was the one that he wanted to marry and cherish.

The Prince and the Princess spent the remainder of the day and late into the night discussing this matter and had periodically asked their daughter to return on several to answer further questions. With each return, her parents realised more and more the deep passion that burned in their daughter heart.  And now after all their talk, they needed to speak further with Prince Anatole when he returned the following day.


The Decision and Probable Repercussion

After Princess Eugénie left her parents alone, Prince Karl and Princess Caroline sat quietly and thought about the decision they had to make. Once they started to talk, they discussed how it would be if they were to agree to this love-match and how it would be if they did not.

From the limited discussions they had had with their daughter, they knew that her feelings for the young man were deep.  Prince Karl said that he only hoped that Prince Anatole’s feelings were as deep. Princess Caroline said that she knew that were. The Prince smiled at his wife for he had learned long ago that she was an unusual woman with a keen sense for what was true and what was not, and was invariably right in her assessment. Anyway, they knew that their daughter would be heartbroken and would be inconsolable if they did not agree to the union.

The Princess Caroline remembered the pain she felt after her husband’s family said no to their wish to marry. Prince Karl said that he loved Caroline and that he would not give her up. And he did not. And now here they were facing the same situation. She and her husband went against his family and they have had no regrets.

Now if they agreed to the union of their daughter and Prince Anatole, they knew that there would be repercussions – very serious repercussions – since the Grand Duke was not a person to cross and that he would seek revenge on the whole family. They knew that in order for the young couple to have a life without fear, they would need to leave Russia and do so quickly for it was certain that the Grand Duke would pursue them and would most certainly have Anatole killed!

For the couple to venture anywhere in Europe and seek sanction would be tantamount to signing Anatole’s death warrant since the Grand Duke had spies and allies everywhere. But if they were to travel east, it would be a different matter. He had few allies east of The Urals and certainly did not enjoy universal admiration there. Prince Karl had a number of friends living across The Eurasian Steppe and felt certain that there would be many willing and able to help the young couple escape the clutches of the tyrant.


That night both Anatole and Eugénie felt that their hearts would burst with anticipation at the answer Eugénie’s parents promised to give the next day. Each played out various scenarios as what would take place the following day. When light was first appearing over the trees at the far end of the garden, both fell into sleep which was filled with more images of their loved one.


The next afternoon found Prince Karl, Princess Caroline and Prince Anatole seated in one of the drawing rooms of the House. Prince Karl questioned the young Prince further on his feelings for their daughter and asked how he would support her and their eventual family. The Prince said that he had some money that his grandparents had left to him and that he was now a Professional Soldier in The Service of The Czar. All very nice the Prince thought if they should agree to the marriage. However the Grand Duke would most certainly seek revenge once he learned of this! He said that should they agree to the union then he and Eugénie would have to leave Russia since he felt certain that the Grand Duke would pursue them and have him killed. Anatole said that he would live anywhere and do any work available, as long as he was with Princess Eugénie.

Finally, the Prince asked if he had discussed his marital plans with his parents. Anatole said that he had not since he knew that they would be angered as they expected him to marry a wealthy member of Court. And so he thought it best not to mention it. He said that he was not especially close with his family – certainly nothing like the relationship enjoyed by Princess Eugénie with her family. He continued by saying that he hardly knew them, as his father had always been too busy to bother with his children, much preferring the company of members of the Court and of his Club. And his mother found his presence to be intrusive and bothersome and so allowed governesses and tutors to raise him, although she had expressed some dismay when he joined the army. He said that his parents would certainly be furious with him and probably disown him. But he was prepared for this outcome.


And now, the Princess Eugénie was sent for and the situation explained to her. She was overjoyed to learn her parents decision and said that although she was sad at having to leave her parents and sisters, it would not be forever. Her Parents and Anatole looked surprised at this remark. Eugénie smiled amid her tears and said that the Grand Duke could not possibly live forever and then they would be free to return! Her parents gave a sigh of relief since they had forgotten this!



The next day was taken up with packing for the family’s return to their home in The Urals. The family, except for Prince Karl set off late that night. Prince Anatole accompanied them. Already Eugénie’s sisters had taken kindly to him and were already teasing him and ruffling his hair when they were alone, as if he was already their brother! Anatole, being unused to the intimacy of siblings was certainly not used to this treatment! Eugénie laughed along with her sisters and explained that they were treating him as their brother and he should accept it and tease them back, which he eventually did.


The plan was for the family and Anatole to go to their home in The Urals with all speed. There they were to prepare for the long journey the young couple would undertake that Prince Karl and Princess Caroline had carefully planned together with Anatole. Eugénie and Anatole would be married in the little church at the edge of the forest close by. They would then need to set off in all haste via train from Omsk, and then across Russia, to Chita, where they would next journey into Manchuria where Mary, Princess Caroline’s married sister, lived and where she would help the young couple settle.

Mary had been a Governess for a number of years before she married. Princess Caroline said that Eugénie would need to find a position as a tutor or governess and felt certain that her sister would help in this matter. She had no doubt that Eugénie was capable of taking up such a position since she was accomplished in the necessary requirements.

Prince Caroline also said that Mary’s husband, Count Demetri, was in charge of the private guard of the Head Official of the District who has been appointed to administer the area. Sadly, at that time, that part of Manchuria was plagued by Bandits and she felt certain that Anatole, with his skill and knowledge of army tactics, would be welcomed into the force.

Finally Princess Caroline said that she had written a number of letters to family friends and friends of the Prince who live close to the route taken by the train asking them to meet the train while en route and offer any help needed. She had also written two letters to her sister: the first was to briefly explain the situation that now existed, and a second and longer one, which Eugénie was to carry with her and give to her Aunt upon arrival at their destination recounting  recent events in depth.



Once his family had set for home, Prince Karl waited a day and then made contact with the Grand Duke. The longer the Grand Duke took to give him an audience the better thought the Prince. This would mean more time for his family to journey home and start making necessary preparation for the long trip ahead of the young couple.

The following day, the Grand Duke sent word that he had some time to speak with the Prince. While waiting for the Grand Duke to enter the room, he hoped that he would not choke himself when he told him that he agreed to give his daughter to him in marriage! The thought of having to say that he would allow his beautiful daughter to this odious man was almost too much for the Prince to bear, but he knew for the sake of her future happiness, it had to be done!

When the Grand Duke entered the room, he sat down without a word of greeting. He sat in his overly large chair and looked exactly what he was ……. a vicious narcissist. With a smirk on his face, the Grand Duke asked if he and wife had come to a decision. The Prince could bearly speak, but somehow coughed out a YES they had and agree to the union. The Grand Duke said that he was happy to learn that the Prince had decided to accept his generous proposal! But he knew that the Prince would comply, after all he believed every man has his price and his offer had been more than generous! After getting the result that he knew he would, the Grand Duke began to pour them something to drink, but stopped when her heard what the Prince had to say next.

The Prince said that his family had returned to their home as his daughter needed to collect her Trousseau and return with it along with her sisters, since she wanted them as her Svideteli (Свидетели) or Witnesses (Bridesmaids). He said that like all young girls, his daughter had been dreaming of a tradition Russian wedding, and that she had been collecting things for this since she was a young girl. The Prince said that his daughter was still very young and did not, as yet, understand The Ways of the World, and he felt that he could not deny her or his wife this one thing.

After listening to the Prince, the Grand Duke became annoyed and said that he would have provided everything for their wedding and that she had no need to return to her home! But since his family had gone, he hoped that they would not be tardy in their return, as he wished to hold the wedding as soon as possible. The Prince said that he planned to return home as soon as possible in order to hurry them along.  The Grand Duke stood up, sniffed, and suggested that he did! In the interim, he would go ahead with the plans for the wedding. And with that he left the room leaving the Prince alone, and happy to be so!



The Prince left Odessa later that day. He could not wait to leave the Grand Duke’s estate and return to his home in The Urals and breath the fresh air there. When he arrived he found his family and Anatole involved in great activity. It had been decided that the Princess Caroline and an assortment of staff would accompany Eugénie and Anatole to the city of Omsk where the couple would board the Trans-Siberian Railway to Chita. Eugénie’s nurse, Marusya, who had tended to her since childhood said that she would go with them to Manchuria and remain with her, as neither she nor Eugénie could bear to be parted from each other, and no one could dissuade either otherwise. Marusya, always slow to warm to strangers, eventually began to warm to Anatole once she recognised how much he loved ее дорогой (her dear one)! From then on, she took to calling him молодой джентльмен (the young gentleman) and a lasting friendship was begun!

The day after the Prince’s arrival, the Princess Eugénie and Prince Anatole were married in the small church. The whole village had turned out in their best clothes to celebrate the wedding.

The bride was even more beautiful in her mother’s wedding dress and the groom looked even more handsome in his uniform. There was a celebration at the house for which everyone was invited, but alas not everyone could not fit into the building. Those that could not were prepared to make merry by feasting, drinking and dancing outside.


Eventually it was time to leave. The various parties boarded the three Troikas that had been obtained as there had been an early snowfall. A rider had gone ahead to arrange exchange of horses since the journey to Omsk would take a number of days.

Prince Karl found it very painful to say good-bye to his daughter and also to his wife, although he knew that Princess Caroline would soon return. He also was amazed at how hard it was to say good-bye to Anatole even though he had only known him for a short time, but he was comforted by the fact that his daughter loved him and that he obviously adored her and that her sisters had taken to him very much. What actually made the parting even harder for him was the fact that he did not know if he would ever see Eugénie again.

As he watched his other daughters hugging and kissing Eugénie and Anatole and listening to their promises not to forget her and their crying, he  shuddered at the thought of the Grand Duke’s response and the depth of his anger once he learned of the marriage and the couple’s flight. He knew that he would seek revenge and that he would attempt something dastardly. But he could not worry about that now, he needed to concentrate on Eugénie and Anatole and enjoy their company while they were still here. 

Eventually it was time to set off on the long and probable grueling journey. The Troikas were loaded and just awaited Eugénie, Anatole and Princess Caroline to board. Most, if not all, of the whole village was present to wave the couple good-bye and it seemed like Eugénie wanted to thank each one individually. The sisters hugged her and Anatole and kissed them a number of times and promised to write often. Anatole was rather dazed by the affection shown towards him by his newly found sisters, but Eugénie had warned him to expect it since they were a demonstrative family.

As they left, Eugénie blew a kiss to her father, and the full realisation hit him and finally brought the tears that he had been holding back to freely flow from his eyes. He remembered her as a child when she proudly declined French, Russian and English verbs for his pleasure! He also remembered reading Fairy Stories to her just before bed and he remembered the agony he suffered when she caught her first cold and then those terrible children’s diseases! He thought of his old English teacher and of reading of Romeo and Juliet and remembered the line, Parting is such sweet sorrow!  Once the Troikas moved away, all that was left of Eugénie’s was her kerchief being waved from the open window and then finally disappearing from sight, and he hoped, oh how he hoped, that Shakespeare had been correct in his assessment!



The journey to Omsk was long and arduous, but it went well without too many problems. The snowfall had been heavy and it took longer to travel through the glorious and glistening country. Fortunately there were always fresh horses waiting for the caravan at the various stops on the way to bring them closer to their destination. Most of the horses were supplied by friends of Prince Karl or of his father. However others heard of the flight of the young couple, and since they were less than friendly toward the Grand Duke, offered food and other necessities for the party.

Eventually after a number of days of travel, they arrived in Omsk and learned that the next train eastwards was in two days. Fortunately, one of Prince Karl’s old school friends was present to meet them and happily offered lodging for Princess Caroline and her party. The party was pleased to sleep in a good bed since some of the inns (гостиница) on the way, although sufficient for their needs, offered lumpy beds and did not make for a good night!



The train arrived three hours late, which they learned was not unusual at that time of the year. The snow fall had been particularly heavy in that part of the country and at times had to be cleared before the train could move forward. But now the train had arrived and was blustering as steam escaped as it waited for the passengers to board. Princess Caroline entered the train and inspected where Eugénie, Anatole and Marusya would be housed for the long journey to Chita where she hoped her sister had arranged for some friendly representative to meet them and escort them to their journey’s end in Manchuria

The parting was as difficult for all parties as it had been earlier when they left Prince Karl and the others. She told Marusya amongst their tears to watch over her charges and take care of them for her. Marusya that she would die before allowing anything to happen to them. When it came for her to leave the train, Princess Caroline kissed and hugged the journeymen and wished them well telling Eugénie to always remember her prayers and to love Anatole as she had promised in the church. 

Princess Caroline left the train and came onto the platform where she grasped the outstretched hand of Eugénie from the window. Copious tears were shed as the train began to move and separated Princess Caroline from her eldest child, now a married woman. She prayed that they would escape the wrath of the brute, the Grand Duke, and have a happy life, and that one day, they would be able to return to their family.



Prince Karl left for Odessa soon after seeing his wife, Eugénie, Anatole and Marusya off and ensuring that his wife’s instructions regarding the care of his younger daughters were understood by them and the caregivers and in place. Everyone had been reminded to say nothing about the flight of Eugénie and Anatole. Should an official arrive during his absence, everyone remaining at the estate, including his daughters, was to say that both Princess Caroline and Princess Eugénie had left for a short visit to the home of a sick relative in another part of The Urals who they feared was close to death. As a result, the young Princesses were left at home under the care of their nurse and family staff. 

The Prince was glad to busy himself with preparation for his trip and ensuring that everyone was aware of the gravity of any uncertain event that might take place during his absence. However, his thoughts would often race back to thoughts of Princess Caroline, Eugénie, Anatole and Marusya now en route across The Eurasian Steppe.


The journey to Odessa was long and exhausting. He slept little, and when he did, his dreams were filled with possible dangers that might befall his family.  When he finally arrived at the Grand Duke’s estate, he felt very much the worse for wear, which would bode well for the lies he was about to impart. Upon arrival, he requested an immediate audience with the Grand Duke who did not keep the Prince waiting long. When he arrived in the Reception Room there was a supercilious smirk on his face for he felt more than confident that the Prince was about to inform him that the Princess Eugénie was waiting in the Anti-chamber to be presented to him!

The Prince knew that the Grand Duke was not a patient man and that it would be best to inform him of the bad news quickly! Since the Prince was exhausted from his trip and by recent events, it was not hard for him to feign an outward anger and pretend that he was furious at Eugénie and Anatole. He told the Grand Duke that when he arrived home, he found that Anatole had followed Eugénie there contrary to his knowledge and that he had convinced her to go against everything that she had ever learned and held dear and to elope! She had broken the heart of her mother, her sisters and himself and had brought shame on the family name by agreeing to do so! No one, it seemed, knew where they went, but that he heard talk in the Hamlet that they had left for some unknown destination in Poland!

At hearing the news, the Grand Duke jumped up and kicked the small decorative occasional table close to his chair across the room. The table rolled across the floor and smashed as it came in contact with the wall. The Prince saw the fire and rage in his eyes and the hateful look of determination on his face. The Grand Duke said that he would have vengeance on thisPrince Anatole and on anyone that aided him! He continued by saying that retribution would be his! The Prince echoed his sentiments and said that Anatole deserved to be beaten for what he had done. The Grand Duke said that he had in mind a worse fate for this insufferable person; for this act, this fop – this conceited peacock – must die, and die he would, once they met again! This, he said, could be counted on.

The Grand Duke went silent, only for the grinding sound of his teeth could be hear, as he was deep in thought planning his revenge on Anatole. The Prince felt that he had to say something, but what? Better to say nothing, he decided. After a minute or two, the Grand Duke gained some modicum of composure and appeared to have regained his senses although that terrible look was still on his face while the fire remained in his eyes. He told the Prince that he would find this Prince and have his revenge and that he would bring his daughter back to her family. The Prince asked if there was anything that he could do to aid the Grand Duke, but was told to leave the matter with him! With this the Grand Duke dismissed the Prince with a wave of his hand and then left the room evidently off to plan his revenge. The Prince shuddered at the thought at at the thought of the plan that was being devised by this monster!

Now alone, and totally exhausted, the Prince needed to sit down for a minute or two after helping himself to a glass of brandy from the bottle on the remaining table.


The Prince drank his drink and then left the room. He was eager to leave this dreadful estate and did so the next morning to travel home and await arrival of Princess Caroline. He prayed that the Grand Duke had taken the bait and would search for the young couple to the west and not think of looking to the east, but he knew that the he was a shrewd villain and would perhaps not believe what the Prince had said. Well, he could not worry about in which direction this monster would look, but rather hope that the young couple would arrive at their destination and so be out of the grip of this hateful man.


The Grand Duke wasted no time and called a number of his spies together and told them that he wished to know the destination of the runaway couple. He told them to find out and to spend lavishly if necessary. He said that anyone found to have aided them should be dealt with in the usual manner!


The Trans Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok is over 9,289 kilometers (5,772 miles) in length and spans eight time zones and today takes x days to travel between the termini.  The track gauge was five feet wide, which allowed train engines to be very tall: a Russian engine could be seventeen feet from rail level to the top of the chimney.


The journey from Omsk to Chita was arduous and took almost eight days since the train was delayed several times when the line proved to be blocked and needed to be cleared. However, Eugénie and Anatole did not seem to mind. They were happy and content in their compartment. Marusya brought them their meals and sometimes ate with them, but she preferred to eat with some of the countrymen that she met during the journey and was happy to speak her dialect again.

The journey was made happy as the train was filled with the sounds of balalaikas, sometimes happy and sometimes melancholy. Eugénie and Anatole would lie in each others arms late at night and listen to the lilting strains of a lone instrument which often brought tears to Eugénie’s eyes, as it reminded her of happy days gone by. Anatole would comfort her and tell her that they had more happy days ahead, as he kissed her tears away.

There was also much singing on the journey together with clapping and the stamping of the feet. Occasionally the young couple would venture out together with Marusya and pass some time singing and watching the dancers while listening to the wondrous music made by their traveling companions. The music often reflected the area they were passing through and many old folk songs were heard that had been learned by Eugénie at childhood. Marusya was especially happy at these gatherings as she loved to sing and always clapped heartily. Eugénie loved to sing also and knew many of the folk songs since she had been taught them by Marusya and by the children of the Hamlet. Poor Anatole was not used to singing aloud, but with Eugénie and Marusya’s coaxing, he soon began to join in although he proved not to be a great singer, much to the amusement of Marusya, which caused the young gentleman to blush with embarrassment! (Although Prince Anatole was sophisticated and worldly in some ways, but in other directions, including family interactions, he was naive, but he was trying hard to understand them and to fit in.)

The weather on The Eurasian Steppe was especially hard at this time with vast snowfalls occurred and bitter winds howled around the train.  They were unable to see out of the train’s windows since they were frozen over with inches of ice. At times the train would stop and the carriage doors opened and the passengers were allowed to descent the train and take the air. The countryside throughout the journey was beautiful with its covering of snow, and was perhaps at it most spectacular when the train travelled alongside of Lake Baikal.

Along the way, the train stopped at a number of cities. At each one, they were met by friends of Eugénie’s parents and, where time permitted, were treated to either lunch or dinner, depending on the hour, at a nearby restaurant. At departure, they were plied with gifts and plenty of fresh food, for which they were very grateful. And at each stop, Eugénie was sure to leave a letter to be posted onto her family.


Prince Karl could not be sure that the Grand Duke would search only the routes to Poland in his quest to find the young couple.  As a result, he arranged for three tickets not to be purchased from Omsk to Chita, but to Vladivostok. This might confuse him in his quest, should he choose to search for them in the east.


The Journey From Chita to Qiqihar in Manchuria 

There were many goodbyes along with hugs and kisses as the train, at last, arrived at the station in Chita. The couple and Marusya were met on the platform by friends of Prince Karl and quickly taken to an awaiting coach. The friends were Count Rostov and his wife, the Countess Theresa who lived in a large house in the centre of the city. They were to rest there for a couple of days before embarking on the next part of their journey that would finally take them into Manchuria, and hopefully out of the grasp of the Grand Duke. But one could never be certain until they arrived at  the home of her Aunt and family. The Count said that he would accompany the three to the border with Manchuria where he would leave them in the capable hands of officials sent by Eugénie’s Uncle Demetri and Aunt Mary.


They were to take The Chinese Eastern Railway (CER; Trans-Manchurian Railway) to Qiqihar which is a large city in the Province of Heilongjiangin Manchuria. The city was a center for Russo-Chinese tradewith a large military depot and arsenal there. As Princess Caroline’s sister and her family liv ed here, this would be journey’s end for the young couple and Marusya.

The coaches of the CER were basic to say the least. The seats were wooden and the heating system seemed to work erratically. But neither Eugénie nor Anatole seemed to be concerned about the travel arrangements. They were happy just being together. However, Marusya was less then pleased and complained about everything to do with the train. The train moved slowly, but after innumerable periods of stopping and starting, train eventually arrived at the border between Siberia and Manchuria. Everyone had to descend the train for questioning by the authorities.

Fortunately, three smartly dressed soldiers walked up to Count Demetri, saluted and the officer introduced himself and led the group passed the officials who were busy rummaging through the baggage of the fellow passengers. The group was led into a small building where the young officer introduced himself. His name was Captain Maxim Smirnov and was sent by General Count Belousov, the uncle of Princess Eugénie. He said that he, along with Sergeant Andreev and Corporal Petrov, who each saluted, were sent to escort the Princess Eugénie, her nurse and Prince Anatole to Qiqihar and then on to Jiamusi, a city  in northeast Chinawhere General Count Belousov was in-charge of the army of the Head Official.

Once hands had been shaken, Count Demetri wished the young couple well and said that he would now leave them in the hands of Captain Smirnov. He shook hands with Anatole and kissed Eugénie’s hand and wished all three well. Both Eugénie and Anatole expressed their grateful thanks to him. The Count smiled and bowed his head slightly in acceptance. Finally he shook hands with the Captain and told him to guard his precious charges well. The Captain saluted Count Demetri who then left the building.


The Lieutenant next asked the group to follow him to the train. The sergeant and corporal followed at a slow march.  After what seemed an age, the train finally moved on and began the long trip to Harbin. Sadly, the trip was not filled with music, much to the irritation of Marusya, and the group were left to make their own amusement. However, they soon discovered that both the sergeant and the corporal had a number of stories which they were happy to relate.

Anatole enjoyed talking to the Captain, as they had much in common, both having served in the Russian Imperial Army at one time.  Anatole was happy to discuss his army days and told the Captain that he hoped that he would find a position in the army of the Head. They also both enjoyed a game of chess and spent most of the daylight hours engrossed in playing a game and relating past army events.

As the journey passed Anatole remembered the Captain’s name and the scandal associated with it. After some further discussion, the Captain felt comfortable enough to relate his story to Anatole. It seemed that at one time Captain Maxim Smirnov was considered to be a high-flyer, and destined for a position of note. However, and like so many young men before him, he found himself to be at the centre of a scandal involving the wife of a minister. It was suggested to the Captain that he should leave Russia for safety reasons, and to do so quickly. He was given two choices: leave Russian and travel east or leave Russia and travel west! He said that he chose to go east and so came to Manchuria where he knew he could continue his life as a soldier. Anatole understood the Captain’s plight and sympathised. The Captain said that he was happy in his assignment and that General Count Belousov was a fair leader and offered those who were willing to follow orders and show initiative advancement. What more could a soldier wish for?


Marusya and Princess Eugénie were instantly attracted to the many children on board the train and began to busy themselves helping their mothers care for them. Marusya said that this was good practice for Eugénie since it would not be long before she would have her own child. Eugénie mentioned this comment to Anatole who turned white at the thought of a child! He said that they needed to be settled before thinking of a family. This caused Marusya to laugh loudly and say that nature did not work that way! Anatole chose to ignore her comment.


The Captain said that arrangements had been made for them to be met at Qiqihar by and small guard which he would lead and then guide them to their final destination.

When they arrived at the station, it was alive with people with huge families waiting to board the train. They group were unsure if the train arrived on-time or late since it appeared that such distinctions were meaningless here.  People came to the station and waited for the train to arrive. Since this seemed to be the custom, it was thought best for Aunt Mary not to meet them at the station, but rather to allow the Captain to escort them to her.

The young couple and Marusya eventually moved their way through the mass of people on the platform and out into the street to the awaiting coach. The street was as busy as the platform, but was also filled with perfumes from the numerous barrels and stalls offering strange and exotic goods for sale. The coach eased its way slowly through the streets which did not appear bother Eugénie, as she was fascinated by the people she saw. After a while, the coach passed through two enormous gates and into a driveway of what seemed to be a park. At the end of the driveway stood a large house which would prove to be where Aunt Mary and her family lived. Once the coach came to a halt, the coach door was opened and Eugénie, Anatole and Marusya stepped out.

Aunt Mary came forward and immediately embraced them and welcomed them to her and her husband’s home and then bade them enter their new home. 


Her Grace turned to Her Aide, which was the signal for him to stand and speak. He said that this would be sufficient for today. At this, Her Grace rose and smiled and thanked the group of journalists for their time and patience. And then Her Grace, Her Aide and Marusya left the room leaving the journalists standing and wanting more of Her Grace’s life story, but they knew that any hope that they had of continuing the audience that day was clearly gone.

At first the journalists were silent and then a low buzz of voices were heard which eventually became louder. The journalists were each speculating about what happened next? …….

Did the Grand Duke find Prince Anatole and Princess Eugénie? ……. Were the young couple reunited with their families? ……. What events occurred to bring Her Grace to Cumberland County? ……. etc etc.


A few days later, a communique was sent to each journalist who had been present at the Press Conference. It was from Her Grace’s Aide de Camp and read as follows: 

Her Grace appreciates that you, as a journalist, have many remaining questions to ask of my life. Forgive my bringing an end to the audience, but some past events are painful to recall. I ask for your understanding and patience, and promise that I will continue with my tale soon. I hope you will attend and that my story will continue to interest you.


Once Her Grace left the Reception Room, she, along with Marusya, went straight to her private apartment. Her Grace’s Aide de Camp soon heard the dulcet sounds of a Russian love song being played on the accordion by Marusya. The melody was very sad and was guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes even when one did not understand the language. This music was soon transplanted by the more robust  sounds of Gypsy Music and soon both Her Grace and Marusya could be heard singing. The tragic merriment went on long into the night.


