



Casanova/Puppy is now Ten Years Old


Casanova/Puppy and myself celebrated two years of being together in late November.  Tempus fugit (i.e. time flies), as they say!  To be completely honest, I can not remember what life here was actually like before he moved in.  He has been, and I hope will continue to be, a constant source of pleasure to me, and I am told by those whom he has met that he is a special dog.  Naturally I think that he is special, as I am sure all dog owners say that their dog is the most wonderful of dogs!


This brings me to my day-to-day living and life with Casanova/Puppy since the Pandemic arrived in this country.  As everyone must know by now, we are in the midst of a world-wide infection caused by the Coronovirus, COVID-19.

For the past ten months, and properly for the foreseeable future, countries have asked its citizens: 

  • to wear masks,
  • remain at a safe distance from each other (at least six feet) and
  • to wash their hands with soap and water often for at least thirty seconds each time in order to avoid spreading the Virus.

The illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals the Ultrastructural Morphology exhibited by Coronaviruses.  A novel Coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of the respiratory illness first detected in China in 2019.
The illness caused by this Virus has been named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Source of this illustration is:

During these last months, people around the world have been subjected to curfewsquarantines, and similar restrictions (described as stay-at-home orders, shutdowns or lockdowns) in order to further minimise the spread of the infection.  Sadly, the Virus continues to claim victim after victim while we await a Vaccine


Fortunately there now seems to be a number of Vaccines available that have been deemed suitable for the public and, thank G-d, I have been lucky enough to have been given my doses.


Since I am retired, and considered officially old, we have been in lockdown in my house since the last week of February 2020. While the Pandemic rages outside, I remain at home and have only been out on rare occasions and these were to visit the doctor’s office for routine checkups.  We am lucky enough to have our food delivered.  I can not say that I miss going to supermarkets and other shops, but I do miss the occasional luncheon at somewhere I like!

Fortunately, I am at an age where I am happy to stay at home. I am occasionally visited by someone who sits at least six feet away from me on my front porch and wears a mask.  Visits are short.  No one has been inside my home since I went into lockdown except for my dog!


I read and watch the News on television and I am amazed at the chaos that exists outside my house and around the world.  I am put in mind of a remarkable scene from the film, The Last Emperor, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci (1941-2018), where Puyi (Chinese: 溥儀; 1906-1967)), the child Emperor, is seen running around the courtyard of The Forbidden City, and heads towards the main gate where he suddenly stops when he becomes aware of the utter chaos that exits outside in the real world.

Upper Left: The Young Emperor from the Film;
Bottom Left: The Courtyard of The Forbidden City; and
Bottom Right: Puyi, The Last Emperor

As a result of the current state of affairs, I prefer to sit on my porch together with Casanova/Puppy and observe and am saddened by the chaos beyond.


But how has Casanova/Puppy been coping with the lockdown and having me around him all day long, day-in-and-day-out?  Well, he appears to be very happy with it.  Just to be clear, we are not entirely isolated, as each day, we visit my neighbour who lives three-houses-down for a short visit.  We do not go into her house, but remain at a suitable distance on her porch. This was his home until he came to live with me.  He enjoys visiting his old haunts and loves to re-discover some of his favourite spots hidden under various bushes.

We remain outside the house for about forty-five minutes to an hour with me seated on her porch and at a socially accepted distance from my neighbour and he roaming freely about the garden.


2 thoughts on “MY DOG ……. A SURPRISE FOR ME – OR – HOW I FINALLY GOT HIM! – 12

  1. Jean Collen

    What a lovely story about Casanova and the lockdown, Charles. I thoroughly enjoyed it. He sounds like a delightful dog who has fitted in to your lockdown life style very well indeed! I do hope that things will go better for all of us in 2021.

  2. Linda Fineman

    I can’t think of a better lockdown partner than Casanova/Puppy! Unlike most households during quarantine, you two set a great example of healthy diet and plenty of exercise–as well as loads of fun!


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