


Casanova/Puppy is now Ten Years Old


The Battle of the Bed begins each evening when Casanova/Puppy decides that it is time for bed, which is once the sun begins to set. At this time, he will begin informing me of this by giving me long lingering looks. These looks are to clearly let me know that HE is ready to move into the bedroom and that I am invited to join him, as soon as possible. Should I be unwilling to go to bed at some unearthly early hour, he will eventually tire of waiting and jump down from his couch and make his way into the bedroom.  This is accompanied by some sniffs and snorts to inform me of his displeasure. Once I am ready to follow, I will find him stretched across the bed where he awaits me to move him over onto his side of the bed.

Claiming his position and waiting to be moved


The Battle of the Bed is not so much a pitched battle, but rather a series of nightly Skirmishes that can occur anytime between my going to bed and my getting up. Each Skirmish  is perhaps more in keeping with a border raid and comparable to Guerilla Warfare. I think he feels himself aligned with Border Reivers and somewhat akin to Walter Scott, 5th of Buccleuch, 1st Lord Scott of Buccleuch (1565–1611), a Scottish nobleman and famous Reiver, and known as the Bold Buccleuch.

Regardless, it is something that occurs most nights – and in fact, they can occur multiple times each night!



Casanova/Puppy is now seasoned and adept in the Art of  Guerilla Warfare,
but he undertakes it without any viciousness attached, thank goodness!


Although The Battle for the Bed does not compare to the Great Battles of History, nonetheless the nightly Skirmishes can be more than somewhat irritating. However, he seems to want to continue battling and does not appear to tire. Evidently, he sees the nightly Battle as a great game, which he obviously must enjoy and lives in hope that, one day, he will be victorious and I will withdraw and cede the bed to him! So far, he has been sadly disappointed and any ceding that has been done, has been by him!



Treaty of Traverse des Sioux by Francis Blackwell Mayer (1827-1899)
and painted for the Minnesota State Capitol.

In 1805 the Dakota ceded 100,000 acres of land at the confluence of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers. U.S. Army Lt. Zebulon Pike (1779-1813) negotiated the agreement so the U.S. Government could build a military fort there. Of the seven Indian leaders present at the negotiations, only two signed the treaty. (From The U.S.-Dakota War of 1982: Minnesota Treaties)



ACTION STATIONS is sounded on naval warships to signal all hands must go to

BATTLE STATIONS, and will be performed by buglers of the Royal Marines

Action Stations


When Casanova/Puppy wishes to let me know that MY BED is actually HIS BED, and that he is willing to launch a Skirmish in order to further his claim, once on the bed, he takes up Battle Stations by positioning himself in the middle of the bed. When this happens, I note that there is a glint in his eye, and that he is now ready for combat (which will be more of a game)!

His battle position is such that it forces me to move him over to his side of the bed. He seems to enjoy this, as the tip of his tail gently beats while this goes on! Should I turn my back away from the battlefield for the briefest moment, he uses this time to move back towards the middle of the bed again.

Should he get away with his initial movement into the centre of the bed, he will next move further onto my side. He looks very pleased with himself at this time. When I notice his gain in territory, I have to return him once more to his side and give him a talking to! This may be have to be repeated unless I remain in the bedroom. Once I have him back on his side of the bed, it is time for him to have his final treat of the day – a small vanilla wafer!

This, he eagerly accepts and munches with gusto. Now he is ready to lay down and waits for his final belly-rubbing and neck scratching.  When I perform these activities, he closes his eyes and will often sigh loudly. Before long, he appears to be asleep. However, I need to be sure not to leave the room, as if I do, his acute hearing will allow him to register my movement and he will either be up and off the bed to follow me or else reposition himself in the centre of the bed once more! This is done in the hope that the complete ritual associated with his going to bed, including being given another wafer, will be repeated. Sadly for him, the ritual is not repeated!


At any time during the night, Casanova/Puppy will attempt to gain more of the bed, and occasionally, I have awoken to find myself on the very edge of my side of the bed! He evidently performs his nightly sorties onto my side with the stealth of a panther!

A Panther on the prowl!

Sometimes, I have to get up and move him back to his side. However, should I not feel like getting up, I will try, gently, to move him back with my foot.

Hostility will generally cease once Casanova/Puppy has either retreated to the floor or to the foot of the bed! In retreating, he evidently, although begrudgingly, seems to have accepted that he must be satisfied with his part of the bed or else the floor!

Having retreated to the floor

In reality, he never actually accepts a nightly peace treaty and, should he remain on the bed, he will continue to attempt to gain territory throughout the night until it is time to get up!



Should I reposition myself during the night, he will seize on every opportunity to move into any space now available to him. Often I can wake up and find that he has, slowly and steadily, moved into the very centre of the bed with his paws outstretched well onto my side of the bed!

Fortunately, I have learned to live with these nightly sorties!


Casanova/Puppy enjoying an afternoon rest on the spare room bed!


8 thoughts on “MY DOG ……. A SURPRISE FOR ME – OR – HOW I FINALLY GOT HIM! – 18

  1. Bona C Starkeson

    I know you think that Casanova loves you only because you feed him. Well, think about it. If that was the case, he would go and sleep on the bed in the guest-room, where he can have the WHOLE bed. By the way, I loved the photographs. I am also sure you LOVE the battle for the bed, otherwise you would have bought a bigger bed, which any sane person would have done.

  2. Linda Fineman

    That was hilarious, Charles! My cat only weighs 9 pounds, but he’s like a boulder when I try to move him on the bed. I can only imagine what it’s like to have nightly skirmishes with a dog the size of Casanova/Puppy!

    He really comes across as lovable in your tales. Pets make the best companions, even if they don’t know how to share a bed.

  3. Pam Read

    Oh Charles, its like putting a baby to bed, such a lovely story. I must admit Dizzy shares our bed, and I often find myself hanging over the edge of the bed, but it is so reassuring if I wake in the night to feel that he is there.

  4. Irene Lilian Pugh

    Delightful tale of a much loved Labrador… who brings you much pleasure and delight.


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