

The Statue of Liberty atop The Old Bailey

The law of the wise is a fountain of life
Poise the cause in justice’s equal scales


For those readers who are not familiar with the infamous Guido or Don Guido, as he insists on being called, he is a notorious Crime Boss associated with the The Black Hand Society and The Mafia (Cosa Nostra).

He is believed, although never proven, to be the mastermind of a number of heinous crimes. He is a person-of-interest to the police of many countries and also of many crime-investigating organisations.

Don Guido has remained elusive and no photograph of him has helped identify him with any certainty. He never appears in public without a large entourage who manage to maintain a ring around him that has not been broken by a photographer. Little, if anything is actually known about him, and throughout the world, the question asked newspapers, radio and television is …….WHO IS GUIDO?


There is no official police photograph of Giudo, but an artist’s impression of an image of Don Guido exists, and is the silhouette that appears here:


Despite his security, it is thought that Don Guido has been photographed on three separate occasions, but again, this is uncertain. Tragically, each photographer that took one of these photographs has had his studio mysteriously burned down with all work destroyed. In addition, each photographer appears to have disappeared and has never been seen or heard from again.

Is Don Guido photographed here?

When the police wishes to interview Don Guido, they were always disappointed, as he could never be found and no one seemed to know where he was. As a result, he has never been served with a Subpoena compelling him to appear before a court or a Tribunal.


Don Guido has remained elusive, like a modern-day Scarlet Pimpernel. He has a host of lawyers who have helped him evade presenting himself to authorities. It seems that Don Guido has often paid a number of his henchmen to present themselves and pretend to be him.  Both the police and other investigatory organisations have been constantly frustrated by him and his cohorts.

A number of Pretenders who have been known to have posed as Don Guido on occasion


2 thoughts on “MY DOG ……. A SURPRISE FOR ME – OR – HOW I FINALLY GOT HIM! – 24

  1. Irene Pugh

    I found Cassanova/puppy’s adventure hilarious. Poking out his tongue to the press – like prince harry did as a child. You have a vivid imagination – a great story teller.


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