





Once it was decided that Casanova/Puppy was to come and live in my house, I was determined to help him feel at home.  Since he was eight years of age and had lived in one house during this time, I was fearful that his moving might be traumatic for him.  However, I need not have been concerned since he settled in immediately and seemed to be happy.

When Casanova/Puppy arrived at my house, I allowed him to wander around the house and explore whatever he wanted.  I found it amusing to watch him put his nose into corners and under beds.   However, I had to laugh out loud when I opened cupboards for him to sniff into since he obviously was enjoying the abundance of new smells to discover.

Exploring the Contents of a Clothes Cupboard


Casanova/Puppy had free access to the rooms and the garden of his previous home.  Sadly, I have had to implement some restriction in his movement now that he lives in my house.


I have allowed  Casanova/Puppy the run of my back garden, but not that of the front.  Access to the front garden was denied to him since there is no fence between it and the road.  In his previous home, he was able to run around the front garden as there was a fence to stop him from running out into the road.  As I said earlier, I plan to install a fence around my front garden in the spring once the soil is easier to dig over.

My Front Garden in Springtime – Note the absence of a Fence


Inside my house, I have only limited Casanova/Puppy’s access to my guest bedroom.  He is free to wander anywhere else he chooses.  The reason why my guest bedroom is restricted dates back from an incident that happened during his first week living here.

By the end of the first week, he had decided that he was going to sleep on my bed at night and on his couch or any area he chose on the floor during the day.  One day while I was walking back to my bedroom, I happened to look into my guest bedroom, which has its door opening onto the hallway, and noticed him draped across the centre of the bed!  He was not sleeping, but laying there in a relaxed state and looking like a medieval SultanPasha or Caliph!

Sultans, Pashas & Caliphs

He looked happy and content and I half-heartedly expected at any moment to see oriental dancing girls enter the room to entertain and feed him sweetmeats while suitable music was being playing by hidden musicians!!!

A Sultan being offered exotic Fruits & Sweetmeats



As soon as Casanova/Puppy saw me, he sprung from the bed and ran out into the hallway and made a quick-dash for his couch!  Since then, he does not enter the room and does not even glance into it when he strolls by ……. well, at least when I am at home.  I do get the impression however, that when I am out of the house, he does like to leap up on the bed and snooze a while!  Of course, he is clever enough to sprung from his slumber when he hears me at the front door and runs to greet me there.


Left: Portrait of Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas’ud ibn Agha (1769-1849), Viceroy of Egypt (1805-1848),  painted by Jean-François Portaels (1818-1895 ) in 1847;
Right: Pasha Casanova/Puppy holding court on his couch




The one thing that Casanova/Puppy does not like is having his picture taken.  I cannot understand why this is so since he is friendly and eager to please.  However, when it comes to the camera, he is like some film star of The Golden Age of Hollywood  who requested to be left alone!

Left: Greta Garbo (1905-1990); Centre: Casanova/Puppy; Right: Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992)


No matter how hard I try to capture him on film, immediately he sees the camera or hears it being opened, he moves his head or his tail and then walks away!  Thereby ruining the photograph!

Casanova/Puppy has made it very clear to me that
he dislikes having his photograph taken!

I have taken lots of photographs of him, but since he will not remain still most of the time, those that appear here were actually achieved by chance.  I have learned from his previous owner that she was only able to take photographs of him when he was asleep!

Casanova/Puppy evidently does not seek fame or fortune and perhaps simply wishes to remain enigmatic ……. or perhaps even mysterious!




Casanova/Puppy had been well-trained as a puppy.  He does not jump-up at people, he does not tear things up, he does not beg for food while others are eating  and he is house-trained …… in other words, he is a wonderful dog!

When he first came to live with me, there was only one problem with him  ….. if I may call it that ….. and this was one that perhaps reflected his excitement.

The problem centred round his eagerness to pass through an open door.  For example, when the front door was opened for him to go outside, he would literally push anyone out of the way who was in his way in order to get through the door as quickly as possible.


In the past whenever I visited Casanova/Puppy’s previous home, I had often been subject to his pushing me to one side.  Should I leave the house by the front door, and should he be close by, he would rush to the door, treading on my toes and whacking me with his tail, in his bid to get outside before me!  He reminded me of a bulldozer, ready to knock down anything in his way!

Once it was decided that he would come to live with me, I was of the mind to help him change his behaviour and turn him into a little gentleman!


I am English and was raised to believe in the old adage, Manners maketh man.  As a child, I was brought up:

  • to open doors and hold them to allow for both women and men to go through;
  • to give up my seat on buses to women (even those without children or who were not pregnant) and to older people;
  • to stand up when a woman was either leaving or coming to the table;
  • to always say please and thank you; and
  • to treat others kindly.


Of course, we live in a different age today and treating others in any of these ways is no longer the norm in our society and such behaviour is often misconstrued.  Our present society is such that many men will no longer offer seats on buses or hold doors for women etc etc from fear of having an ugly ulterior motive.  However there are still some who value good manners and believe that Chivalry is not dead and that manners still maketh man.  Of note to some readers is the fact that this expression is generally attributed to Bishop William of Wykeham (~1320-1404).

Bishop William of Wykeham

Despite the changing ways of our society, I still try to be as polite as possible and so it is not surprising that I was somewhat disturbed by Casanova/Puppy’s manner of pushing me and others out of the way when he wanted to pass through an open door and was determined to help him modify it.


A Knight & His Lady Fair

Of course I was not expecting Casnanova/Puppy to become a totally chivalrous creature like a knight from the past who would dash off at the drop-of-a-hat to save a Fair Lady and fight mythical beasts, but I thought that he was capable of learning not to push and shove.


Casanova/Puppy soon proved himself to be a clever dog and learned quickly not to push his way to the front, but rather to wait until he was invited to go through an open door!

I was especially proud of his ability to learn since, I had been told that at nine-years-of-age, it might prove difficult to teach him something new.  Visitors to my home were impressed when they saw how he waited at an open door until told that he was permitted to go through.  I have to admit that I added a little bow and a wave of my hand when telling him that he might enter or exit!  Adding such a gesture greatly amuses visitors!


2 thoughts on “MY DOG ……. A SURPRISE FOR ME – OR – HOW I FINALLY GOT HIM! – 7

  1. Kyle Morkrid

    Puppy is a very trained dog. Wonderful that he is able fit in your home very well. It is hilarious how he thinks the home is his while your living under him.


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