



Casanova/Puppy is now Ten Years Old


After Casanova/Puppy has eaten his breakfast and visited our neighbour, he enjoys a little time surveying the front garden and patrolling the fence. This is good exercise for him since I can no longer take him out for walks. This is a disappointment for me, and presumably, for him too.  I do not walk not only because of the Pandemic, but also because he was never socialised and should he meet other dogs out for a walk with their owners, he wants to do battle with those he feels are going to attack me! After all, he sees me as the Hunter, the one who brings home the food, while he is the Protector! Since I am getting older, I now find it hard to control him when he wants to take off and do battle when he feels that I am being threatened! And so, as a result, I find it wiser not to take him on long walks. Occasionally when a visitor comes to call, they will take him for a walk around the block.


I find it hard to believe that Casanova/Puppy is now ten years old.  He is very active and enjoys running up and back along his front fence when anyone he does not approve of dares to walk by the house.  I am always amazed at those he seems not to like.  Of course, he still dislikes intensely our Post Woman!  However, this is understandable since she is not friendly and will not go out-of-way to be helpful or friendly.  As a result, since she stopped answering my greetings as she delivers the post into my postbox, when he barks at her , I no longer discourage him!


Casanova/Puppy also enjoys running up and down the length of the back garden along side the fence while my neighbour’s Pit Bull/Bulldog mix runs along the other side.   I quite like this dog, whose name is Buddy, but unfortunately, he and Casanova/Puppy do not seem to like each other very much, and will bark and snarl when they catch glimpses of one another through the fence.  I am told that this is probably because they are both males and very territorial.

Buddy is a guard dog and spends most of his days
sitting on my neighbour’s back porch gnawing on a large bone.

When Casanova/Puppy & Buddy see each other in the back garden, they immediately begin running back and forth along the length of the fence each claiming ownership of it and barking.  The garden slopes down and each has worn a path down to the fence at the bottom of the garden.  Once Casanova/Puppy could easily out run Buddy, but of late, I have noticed that after three or four circuits, poor Casanova/Puppy stops running and slowly walks back up the slope. Buddy, who is only two years old and, of course, is already waiting at the top and ready to run again. Alas, age has the habit of catching up with us all, including dogs.

When I first noticed this, I was somewhat sad, and now when it happens, I call Casanova/Puppy away and insist that he comes into the house with me. He pretends that he does not want to come in, but he eventually follows me into the house, thereby maintaining his dignity.  I hate to admit that he can no longer really compete with this youth next door!

Of course, back in the house, I show him some affection and feed him a small treat and let him know that I appreciate his efforts to keep the interloper, Buddy, away.

Casanova/Puppy will always be the champion in my eyes!


Most of the time, Casanova/Puppy enjoys a much more leisurely time in the garden.  Besides sitting for a while in the hole that he has dug under one of my bushes, he also enjoys walking round the front garden. During one of his walks, he will suddenly flop onto the grass. This is very amusing to see, as one minute, he is walking, and then he stops, often with one paw lifted off the grass, and remains stationary for a second or two, and then he literally collapses, as if his legs had simply given-way!


Following this flopping incident, he next proceeds to drag himself around on the grass in a circle with his head at the centre. This action can be performed in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction and can be repeated several times, including a change in direction! Once the rotations have been completed, he will immediately leap up and shake himself free of any adhering grass from his coat and then quietly resume his walk!  This flop, drag, rotate & shake combination is often repeated several times.

Flopped, Dragged & Rotated

Big Joe Turner (1911-1985) – Flip, Flop & Fly


At about 1 p.m. each day, regardless of the weather or season, Casanova/Puppy likes a light – very light – lunch, which consists of two of his treats and occasionally one cup of very, very low salt-containing beef or chicken soup.  To me, this soup has an awful taste, but thank goodness, he seems to enjoy it and licks his bowl clean each time that he is presented with it!

Following his light luncheon and a quick trip to the outside, it is time for the afternoon nap.  This will generally be taken on his couch with me sat in my chair. He is very happy once I am seated nearby, as he can then safely go to sleep knowing exactly where I am. Occasionally, I dare not to conform with his wish and remain at my computer! When I do this, he comes and sits behind me and puffs & pants, which is to let me know of his annoyance that I am not where he thinks I should be!


One thought on “MY DOG ……. A SURPRISE FOR ME – OR – HOW I FINALLY GOT HIM! – 12-5

  1. Evelyn

    just love the stories and you write them so well.You two make a perfect pair and Puppy is such a pretty dog
    Thank you for sharing your story


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