




Casanova/Puppy appeared on television to celebrate his tenth birthday



What follows are a series of observations in the form of short Vignettes. I hope that they will prove amusing to the reader.



A friend of mine was observing Casanova/Puppy a while ago and said that he was a very regal dog! When asked for clarification, I was told that he behaved in a very dignified and imposing manner, which was particularly marked by his walk, since he did so with an air of importance, as if he was royalty out to inspect his lands.

I began to observe him myself and noticed similar attributes in his other activities that might be described as regal, including in his eating habits and when he is at his ablutions. My friend smiled and said that he was indeed The King of Puppies!

The King of Puppies on his Throne


And so it seems that Casanova/Puppy can not be called a rough-and-ready-type dog. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying here. I am not criticising other dogs, as the most endearing quality of most family dogs is exactly their rough-and-ready character.

What do I mean by a rough-and-ready character? What I mean is that this quality? Family dogs are animals for the whole family to enjoy, although there is always one person that the dog seems to take to despite liking the others.  When I was a child, our family dogs, often got for me, always gravitated to my father.

Family dogs are playful. Generally dogs want to please their humans. Why? Perhaps it is for food, for shelter and even for affection? I do not know, probably for all three reasons, but regardless, there exists a bond between a dog and a family. Such dogs bring great joy to the family and are considered to be a family member. They are happy to run around, chase squirrels and other animals and be ready to play games with children and go for walks. It sounds an idyllic relationship, doesn’t it?

Casanova/Puppy has never been around children, or other dogs for that matter, during his formative years. Although he will fiercely guard the garden fences from those that dare come too close to it and will snarl and bark at Postwomen, and maintain a garden that is a cat-free and squirrel-free zone, he will not chase a ball, play with a toy or run-around with me when I make a feeble effort to chase him!

When I make an effort to play, he looks at me, as if I am nuts and walks away! I am convinced that he thinks that I am too old to play and may well fall over and crash to the ground should I try! I have tried to employ some young people including children to walk Casanova/Puppy on a regular basis and also to get him to play with a ball. However, these youths haven proven to be too lazy to comply with my simple requests for any length of time. Although they enjoyed getting their payment, they were less inclined to expend much energy and quickly tried and never returned.

Casanova/Puppy with ignored toys


And so, we have to content ourselves with a daily short walk from our home to visit my neighbour, some two houses further along the street, which is where he used to live. He enjoys this and loves to sniff at the variety of smells found on the way and then run around her garden.

Casanova/Puppy among the fallen blossoms in my neighbour’s garden


Casanova/Puppy is a tidy eater. He eats from his bowl and never sends any morsels of food onto the floor. He does eat fast, as all dogs tend to do, but I would not say that he gobbles his food.  I have known dogs that literally inhale their food and send their bowls flying around the floor as they are licked and licked until the dog has finally agreed that it is empty! This is not to say, however, that his bowl is not spotlessly clean at the end of his eating, as it is, and as the reader will see a little further down this page.


Casanova/Puppy takes great pride in his ablutions. I would not exactly say that he is excessive in his toiletry, but ……….. he borders on being a trifle obsessive! I have noticed that cats have a tendency to clean themselves, seemingly at every opportunity, and he is very much like this.

A Spotless Paw

Casanova/Puppy is known to spend an inordinate amount of time licking between his toes whenever he has walked in the garden or walkways. Evidently, his paws must be spotless before he comes into the house. I have never noticed muddy footprints in the house, and for this, I am eternally grateful to him. In addition, he never runs or even trots through puddles following rain.

A Rare Pawprint on the Walkway after being caught in the Rain

Unfortunately, Casanova/Puppy is remarkably private and will avoid having his picture taken. As a result, I have never been able to capture him grooming himself or eating. Should I succeed in being able to taken some photographs of him performing these acts, I will add some  here.



Casanova/Puppy is full of surprises. Although he was not raised to be overly-demonstrative, he has moments when he wants some affection shown to him. His favourite wanting is to have his neck scratched deeply with fingers.  He prefers this to pats on the head and even having his belly rubbed. My neighbour is able to offer this maneuver to his satisfaction, while, sadly, I have proven a poor substitute and will only be tolerated at a pinch when there is no one better in the vicinity!

My Neighbour with Casanova/Puppy


A Poor Substitute

Apparently, what I am acceptable at performing is deep scratching of the area on his back close to his tail. Whenever I dare to attempt to scratch his neck, he lifts up his head, looks me straight in the eye, puffs his displeasure at my pathetic efforts, and finally turns, and presents his tail to me whereupon I am expected to scratch away!



Casanova/Puppy is a creature of habit and likes to go to bed and settle for the night at the ridiculously early time of 7.30-8.00 p.m. I watch the television programme, Jeopardy, which is shown each weekday evening between 7.00 and 7.30 p.m. Once the programme ends, and just as Pat Sajack (1946) and Vanna White (1957) start their walk onto the set of Wheel of Fortune, he jumps down from his couch and runs to the door. It is now time to go outside for the final time of the day and then go to bed!



Casanova/Puppy enjoys receiving a couple of small treats before bed. His preferred treats at this time are supplied by The Blue Buffalo Company. As an after-lunch treat, he prefers an American Journey Oven Baked Treat, turkey recipe morsel ………. but of course, Casanova/Puppy is spoiled!!!  

Ses Friandises Actuelle de Préférence
Left: Buffalo Treats; Right: American Journey – Turkey Recipe



I expect all pet owners think that their pet is special and demonstrate a marked intelligence. What has surprised me about Casanova/Puppy is that he does seem to understand a great deal of what I say. However, although he might well understand certain commands and wishes on my part, he has a strong will and a definite mind of his own, and will not always comply with all my requests.

When it comes to his wish to communicate with me, I fear that I am not as good as he at following his wishes. Nothing is more demonstrative of this, as to when he wants to go outside! During the day, I take him outside every two-to-three hours so he can relieve himself and run around the garden. Sometimes he needs to go outside in addition to these regular times.

Casanova/Puppy has an amazing ability to maintain control of his bladder and generally does not require additional visits to the outside during a normal day. But there are times when he comes up to me, lays his head on my leg and stares long and hard at me. Most times – actually, at all times! – I mistake what he wants to convey as simply wanting me to give him food.  He is then told that there is still a while before his official feeding time.

Should he be unsuccessful in making his request known to me, he will begin to run from the room only to quickly return and next indulge in a circular dance. If this does not tell me what he wants, and needs, he begins to move between rooms and dance with increasing speed. It is only then that the penny drops (!) and I realise that he needs to go outside. Once the door is opened, he literally crashes outside, sending the screen door flying back. He races onto the grass, but does not immediately relieve himself. No, he needs to search out the exact spot in order to evacuate!



Enclosure in my back garden housing a Blueberry & a Blackberry Bush

Sometime ago, and quite by chance, I dropped a blueberry fruit onto the kitchen floor. Since Casanova/Puppy had previous demonstrated his marked distaste for the fruit, I not feel the need to rush to pick it up since I thought that one sniff of it would cause him to walk away in disgust that I was unable to drop something a little more interesting!

Home-Grown & Hand-Picked Blueberries

Casanova/Puppy, always full of surprises, surprised me again! After sniffing the fruit, he licked it for a while and then gobbled it up into his mouth. Once there, the tiny fruit was chewed and chewed, as if it was a bone or a particularly non-tender piece of meat.

Evidently, mood and taste also change in dogs.  Who knew?!

Henceforth, at 11 a.m. each day, he receives his Calcium-rich tablet positioned in a teaspoon of Peanut Butter followed by ten blueberries, which he gobbles and chews for sometime.

Cosequin – A Calcium Supplement for the Joints


Somewhat selfishly, yet happily for me, I am pleased to say that he has not developed a taste for home-grown/hand-picked blackberries!

Blueberry Bush in the back garden
Top Left: the Bush in early spring; Top Right: the Bush in flower; Bottom: unripe berries



Varieties of Peanut Butter

Naturally Casanova/Puppy has discerning tastes and together with definite and distinctive likes and dislikes …….. especially when it comes to Peanut Butter. His preference is for the creamy variety and with a particular choice for Peter Pan! although he will eat other varieties, but only after some puffs and spluttering to make it sounds, as if he is doing me a favour by accepting it! I notice that his bowl is always licked clean despite the initial protests!



Of all non-meat foods and treats, Casanova/Puppy enjoys toast! I have to confess that I am also a great lover of all toasted breads, buns, bagels (see Page 12, Part 4: A Little Light Breakfast). He loves toast! Charred is preferred. But best of all is charred toast with a scrapping of Peanut Butter. This Ambrosia is perhaps his most favoured food!

Food for the Greek Gods
Left: Ambrosia being brought to Greek Gods;
Right: The Gods Celebrating the Wedding of Psyche & Cupid by Raphael (1483-1520)

Each morning, Casanova/Puppy is given a small piece of a slice of toast with a thin scrapping of Peanut Butter. This slither is cut into four pieces and transferred to his feeding bowl whereupon it is ferociously gobbled up at top-speed. He absolutely adores this treat and licks the bowl until every crumb and any remains of Peanut Butter have been well and truly removed! Judging by the look in his eyes, he walks away with great contentment!

Casanova/Puppy gobbling up this Ambrosia

Casanova/Puppy’s bowl ……. (Left) before & (Right) after feeding!
Is there a difference?


Making Circles on the Grass


4 thoughts on “MY DOG ……. A SURPRISE FOR ME – OR – HOW I FINALLY GOT HIM! – 20

  1. Irene Pugh

    Yes, your friend is correct – Casanova/puppy does act regal. Certainly likes his food (as many dogs do) he certainly show his appreciation. Especially for the diet he receives, A very content dog for which you should be proud.

  2. Linda Fineman

    Casanova/Puppy could be a social media star! He’s extremely photogenic and has the most charming quirks and habits of any dog I know. Keep the great stories coming!


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